woensdag 1 september 2010

Vatican says women priests a 'crime against faith'

15 Jul 2010


In St Peter’s Square there was a protest calling to the Pope to permit women priests in the Roman Catholic Church in order to solve the persistent shortage in ministries worldwide. The Vatican made his position very clear, comparing the ordaining of women to ‘child abuse’ and by giving new rules that both ‘crimes’ should be investigated by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF). Excommunication was an automatic punishment for those women trying to be priests or the ones trying to ordain them. But this new rule condemned such an action as ‘a crime against sacraments.’

In ancient christian times women were not allowed to be priests. In the Bible there is nowhere to be found a woman being ordained to serve in the temple. These positions were always held by men. It is good to read that they hold a firm stance in this issue. But the joining with the Anglican priests whom are not happy with the Church of England may make it difficult to hold this stance. The possible join signifies a grow for the Catholic Church and I wonder if they can resist the temptation of power, and not succumbed by it.

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